Hello to you all my friends and minions of the lands of Earth. I have begun a new blog because the old blog was pillaged for being too dirty. So I am turning over a new leaf and posting safe for work content. If that gets too boring, you can always go to my website and see me naked there. So for this I thank you my friends.

I have been a busy little bee as usual lately. I am hard at work on my book. I even got a literary agent and everything, so hopefully it will be available for consumption sometime this year.

I have been shooting lots of pictures and videos too. Some for my website and also for Fuxleep clothing. They are amazing. I will post photos from that shoot soon. I just have to get the OK from them first!

Here is a photo of me dressed as a Russian prostitute that enjoys Star Wars.

russian blog

Hopefully spring decides to make an appearance sometime soon :/

Well that’s it for now my beloved people. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves very much.


Bailey Jay